
Binance Smart Chain

LuckyJack to USD Chart

What is LuckyJack?

Lucky Jack is not just a #meme token. It has real utility: First ever NFT lottery, Wheel of Fortune, Virtual Scratch cards and Win Jack’s Pot! The winner takes 90% of all BNBs in the Jack’s Pot wallet. All BNBs in Jack’s Pot are collected from the 5% transaction fees. Tokenomics: 1000B = initial supply. LP locked for 12 months. Auto-liquidity generated with every trade and loaded into PancakeSwap. 10% TAX: 5% of all trades are redistributed to Jack’s Pot wallet (instantly swapped to BNBs to prevent token price fluctuations) 5% of all trades are auto-locked inside liquidity provider on PancakeSwap.

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Market Cap0.93% $2,043,195,844,657,963,000
USD Price$5,238,963.704251187
Price Change 24h0.93%
24h Low / 24h High$5,023,543.212418228


Launched04 Aug 2021
Added02 Aug 2021