Binance Smart Chain
Ownership is Renounced

BEP40.COM to USD Chart

What is BEP40.COM?

The BEP40 was developed by the European company MB Forosa and launched in August 2021. BEP40 is decentralized and on a mission to bring crypto to the average person. Bep40 Tokens and NFTs are created with 10x faster block speeds and cheaper gas fees. BEP40 seeks to impress customers by showing improved transaction speeds & adorableness.

Token runs on the Binance, Cronos, and Polygon Smart Chains. As a community-centric platform, BEP40 will also launch its all-comprehensive crypto exchange and a wallet that can integrate with any current from different blockchains.

BEP40 Token will be used as a peer-to-peer (P2P) service for payment systems using our dApp wallet in the local currency with zero transaction fees, faster & secure transactions, whereby two individuals interact directly with each other, without intermediation by a third party. Instead, the buyer and the seller transact directly with each other via the P2P service.

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Market Cap‹1.47% $264
USD Price$0.000052
Price Change 1h‹0.03%
Price Change 24h‹1.47%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000051481240801191


Launched01 Jul 2022
Added05 Aug 2022