
Binance Smart Chain

MetaCares to USD Chart

What is MetaCares?

MetaCares in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, will create potentials for operational cost saving and real-time exchange of medical information. This will enable interoperability, enhance

exchange of provider information such as provider directory data, manage control of access over patient’s medical record information (an NFT approach where every patients' data is

locked in a blockchain, unique to a decentralized owner of such NFT file), and track

clinical traits and pharmaceuticals.

Patients in MetaCares are paid for uploading medical record information which are stored confidentially in a blockchain. In MetaCares, patients

can also book medical appointments with professional doctors in MetaCares Metaverse.

Drugs and Medical equipment are represented in MetaCares NFT and can be purchased using the MetaCares Coin ($METAC).

MetaCares Coin ($METAC) is the

governance e-currency (coin) of the MetaCares project.

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Market Cap1.16% $1,985
USD Price$0.00019
Price Change 1h0.14%
Price Change 24h1.16%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000190391249291362


Launched08 Aug 2022
Added07 Aug 2022