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BeeCrypto and Beexchange, a Visionary Project With High Returns Dedicated to a Social Cause

The exponential rise of the blockchain space is pretty evident, with new projects released regularly. And while some of these tend to revolutionize the space by offering new and advanced features, most are rehashed versions of existing projects. This very aspect is driving investors away, particularly the absence of exciting projects providing a high rate of return and additional rewards. But that changes with the release of Beexchange, a platform that does much more than investors could ask for.

Beexchange was launched to save bees, a species that’s been present on the earth for more than 130 million years. Though they haven’t changed much over the years, the last few decades witnessed a fall in their population. With Bees being a vital part of the ecosystem and maintaining the balance, this poses a significant concern. Albert Einstein once said, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live.” If that is to be accurate, humans should be far more concerned about the survival of bees than they are at present

aAnd this is what Beexchange intends to achieve, to support one of the most critical species on the planet and provide the required aid for its population to thrive. The project doesn’t simply aim to derive profits but works for a far more

cause. Yet, it’s been designed in a way to deliver high returns and exciting rewards to investors.

Beexchange will simplify the use of cryptocurrency, and a part of the revenue will be used to support beekeeping across the globe. Of the 9% transaction fee, 3% would be sent to the house wallet and disbursed to beekeepers worldwide. The native token, $BEE, is expected to witness a tremendous rise in value, and experts recommend acquiring it early on for maximum returns. The best part, investors don’t necessarily have to trade the token to earn a profit. One-third of the 9% transaction fee is reserved for rewards and will be distributed amongst the token holders. So, by investing in $BEE, one doesn’t just earn both short and long-term returns but is also contributing to an environmental cause essential to support life on the planet.

The company has locked liquidity for the first 24 months, thus keeping the investments safe and guaranteeing returns to the community. After one year, the project will become a fully community-funded platform, and every investor will have a vital role to play.

The platform will offer 40% of the total token supply during the initial launch period, with multiple trading pairs, including B.N.B., BTC, ETH, BUSD, and PANCAKE, among others.

Besides this, BeeCrypto will also be holding wildflower planting events, and token holders are always welcome to be a part of them. The details for such events will be shared in

advance with the community. And anyone willing to take a step further for setting up beehives or wildflower plantations on their land can always get in touch with the BeeCrypto team.

Beexchange, BeeCrypto, $BEE, the native token, and all other sub-projects slated to launch will be completely transparent. And this is the perfect opportunity to invest in $BEE before the token starts trading. So, make sure to go ahead and do that today!

To find out more about Beexchange and BeeCrypto, visit the official website:

Also, follow Beexchange on all social channels to stay updated with the latest developments and token sales.

Contract address:0x8aB6C3dfec784c5f6a3FD889b2cCb14813B47c07

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Market Cap1.37% $1,786
USD Price$0.000085
Price Change 1h0.02%
Price Change 24h1.37%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000082749511600841


Launched04 Jun 2022
Added14 Oct 2022