What is APEOS?
APEOS is the ruler of the cryptocurrency world and the King Ape of DeFi.
Receive up to 10% in EOS and increased value in APEOS simply by holding.
#APEOS, #ApeosOfficial
Total Supply:
500,000,000 APEOS 🔱
🟢 Per transaction:
🎁 10% EOS Reward
〽️ 5% Marketing fee
♻️ 3% Liquidity stabilizer
🚨 1% Sellers fee
🔐 Liquidity will be locked by DxSale automatically upon finalizing presale.
✅ Audit soon
🟢 Doxed Team
🐳 Anti-Whale Protection
💵 Get back up to 10% in EOS
👥 APEOS Official Links ⬇️
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