What is Baby Floki DOge?
Baby Floki Doge is the cutest and most lovable Memecoin brought to Earth by Floki
Inu and Dogecoin! Elon Musk’s new Shiba Inu puppy Floki and his favorite meme coin
of all time, Doge, had their GOLDEN Child... Baby Floki Doge! Who couldn’t fall in love
instantly with the baby of two of the biggest coins in all of Crypto!?!? Baby Floki Doge
uses high security features & a hyper-deflationary contract mechanism where the
Burn Wallet Address of the contract receives the most token reflections out of any
wallet because it has the largest supply of tokens so this mechanism is continually
lowering the supply of tokens automatically over time. It does this by those reflections
being burned which is lowering the total circulating supply thus increase the value of
each token that the community holds. Our contract features a very LOW and modes
tax of only 6% where 2% of every buy and sell transaction that occurs is split up and
sent to holders in $BABYFLOKIDOGE token reflections. It is split amongst the token
holders evenly based upon their amount of tokens they hold. The next 2% of the buy
and sell tax is allocated to the liquidity pool to help the market cap grow and become
more stable more quickly. The final 2% from the 6% buy and sell tax is allocated to
pay for the MASSIVE amount of marketing and development that is required to ensure
the fast growth of our market cap as well as the overall longevity of this project for
years and years to come! Baby Floki Doge plans on building an entire Cryptocurrency
ecosystem! Make sure you join the best community around!
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