MyBricks Finance

Binance Smart Chain

MyBricks Finance to USD Chart

What is MyBricks Finance?

It’s our mission to make property investment accessible to everyone, delivering extraordinary returns for ordinary people.

With MyBricks you’ll be able to invest your crypto into diversified property funds that will generate monthly rental yield. That yield will then be distributed back into your wallet via smart contracts.

Each fund will also have unique perks for investors like low cost rental on premium accommodation, discounts on home improvement services and much more.

Crypto allows you to get involved in one of the most stable, high yield generating asset classes – bricks and mortar – without all the fees, hassle and large investment amounts that come with investing fiat.

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Market Cap0.91% $168,177
USD Price$0.00016
Price Change 1h0.18%
Price Change 24h0.91%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000163006480188953


Launched23 Jul 2021
Added28 Jul 2021