What is Magic Beasties?
Play and Earn. Send NFT Beasties to Auto-missions, earn $BSTS, find rare NFTS.
Win PVP battles and earn $BSTS.
PancakeSwap Liquidity 70%,
Development and Marketing Funds locked for 18 Months.
10% Sales FEE : 5% distributed to holder, 2% Automatic LP, 3% Dev/Marketing/Game vault
Total Supply - 100 000 000
🥑Liquidity Pool = 66%
🥤DxSale Fees & Burns = 2%
🍙Airdrop = 4%
🍅Farming & Staking vault = 19%
🔓Locked For 18 MONTHS🔓
🥶Development Vault = 4%
🥶Marketing Vault = 5%
🔓Locked For 18 MONTHS🔓
💰 Link Buy 💰
📃Contract Address: 0x4fb6Df649Cc6D8A84C29aEdd997C88Dc8Ac01349
🧁 Pancakeswap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x4fb6Df649Cc6D8A84C29aEdd997C88Dc8Ac01349
🔒Liquidity Lock:
🌐 Website: https://beasties.in/
💬 Telegram: https://t.me/BeastiesOfficial
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BscBeasties
Project started by Taiwan developer, mentioned in many crypto news!
Gameplay Video Coming soon!🕶