What is FatherUSDT?
FatherUSDT is called to be the next giant in the crypto token space.
Hold $FatherUSDT and earn 5 % USDT.
💎 Token Name: FatherUSDT
💎 Token Symbol: FatherUSDT
⭐️Available on PancakeSwap ⭐️ : 🚀 2022/03/13
📋 Contract : 0x696134A3149769a74e6f24538A65a314F3d7899F
💵 Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
🔒 Liquidity Locked : mudra
✅ Slippage : 14-16%
💎 Tokenomics:
💵 Liquidity Pool : 90 %
✅ Exchanges & Partnership: 9 % ( Locked for 3M )
⭐️Developer 1 % ( Locked for 12 M )
💎 Transaction Fees:
🏆 5% automatically Rewarded ( USDT )
✅ liquidity Fee : 1%
✅ Marketing Fee 5 %
🌐 Website - https://fatherusdt.com
🌑 Telegram - https://t.me/fatherusdt
🐦 Twiter - https://twitter.com/fatherusdttoken
How To Buy by Trustwallet
Name: FatherUSDT
Symbol: FatherUSDT
Contract: 0x696134A3149769a74e6f24538A65a314F3d7899F
Decimals: 18
Buy link:
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