Binance Smart Chain

What is HOLM?

HOLM is the token powering the Holm Technology Fully-Automated Cryptocurrency Trading Software. It is built on Binance Smart Chain and takes advantage of the fastest, most reliable, and widely adopted blockchain technology available and is designed to be used as license for our cryptocurrency Trading Bot, which requires at least 1000 HOLM in order to do accurate and profitable trades for users. It is not used as Gas but as License, this way as long as a user holds least 1000 HOLM is able to use our trading bot without decreasing the number of tokens in the wallet, being free to sell them whenever he wants on a cryptoexchange. Holm Trading Bot works in three stages, which means absolutely nobody is able to use it without holding HOLM tokens since is splitted to ultra-secured servers and runs as a whole. HOLM can be also transferred or traded on cryptocurrency exchanges like any other coin.

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Launched05 Mar 2022
Added06 Mar 2022