
Binance Smart Chain

LazyShiba to USD Chart

What is LazyShiba?

4% of all transactions (sell or transfer) are distributed to the token holders. Every time there is a transaction by anyone, you get a cut of the distribution automatically. So the longer you hodl, the more you gain!

4% of all transactions is added to the liquidity pool, which leads to a further increased value of Lazyshiba.

2% of all transactions goes for marketing purposes and team payments. (Team does not hold any tokens, if we want tokens we buy them like everyone else).

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Market Cap1.53% $8,661,458,859,969
USD Price$1,851.754656611
Price Change 1h0.92%
Price Change 24h1.53%
24h Low / 24h High$1,851.754656611


Launched02 Nov 2021
Added01 Nov 2021