
Binance Smart Chain
Ownership is Renounced

LittleHotDoge to USD Chart

What is LittleHotDoge?

Little HotDoge is a 100% community-driven project where holders can earn static rewards of up to 900% APY through our native reflection mechanism.

With the large attention the world will give to Little HOTDOGE , we would like to remind everyone that giving is as important as receiving. By donating to charity, we will make the world a better and happier place.

Using a deflationary system, Little HotDoge transactions get distributed among holders + contribute toward automatically generating liquidity locked inside the LP-pool.

Connecting traditional artists into the exciting world of using NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). Partnership with NFT collectors to source new exciting artworks.

Cryptocurrency and DeFi is here to stay, we hope to use NFT + STAKING +CHARITY and prove that not all doge related coins are all "MEMES" and that were one of the few tokens out there that has a utility.

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Market Cap‹0.98% $1,474
USD Price$0.0000000000000069
Price Change 1h‹0.17%
Price Change 24h‹0.98%
24h Low / 24h High$0.000000000000006759


Launched28 Jun 2021
Added28 Jun 2021