Thiron Token

Binance Smart Chain

What is Thiron Token?

The Thiron token is the 2nd token offered by the Creon Project. Creon project; It is a project to fund, promote and develop Creon Coin, which is completely environmentally friendly, has low transaction fees and has a decentralized structure. A total of 5 tokens will be presented within the scope of the Creon Project, most of which will be taken back and burned at the end of the project.  Some of the remaining tokens will be optionally exchanged for Creon Coins.


At the end of the project, a decentralized exchange will be established on the Creon Coin infrastructure, which will have its own blockchain network, and the project tokens will be bridged.


Token Distrubition 


🔥 50% Burn

🎖 25% Stock market

🎖 10% Pre-sale & ICO

🔒 7% Advertising & Marketing Wallet

🔒 5% Project Fund Reserve

🔒 3% Team Wallet

🎖 1% Hodl gift per transaction


✔ Total Supply : 500.000.000 THR

✔ Verified Contract

✔ All liquidity will be locked for 6 years


🔥 Initial Supply : 1B THR

🔥 Burn: 500M THR (50%)

🔥 AutoBurn : %3 Per Transaction

🔥 Transaction Fee: %3

🔥 Hodl Gifts : %1


Pre-Launch : November 10, 2021

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