
Binance Smart Chain

What is Voluhpia?


VOLUHPIA | $ VLP is a utility token (utility token) fully developed in the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem, intended to enable NFT transactions (non-fungible tokens) traded on the Voluhpia marketplace. The $VLP, can be purchased at PancakeSwap and at the Voluhpia Market.

In addition to being rewarded by the progressive appreciation of the $VLP token, favored by the increase in demand and the deflationary nature of the asset, the investor will be able to profit from the purchase and sale of exclusive NFTs traded on Marketplace Voluhpia.


VOLUHPIA | $VLP é um token de utilidade (utility token) totalmente desenvolvido no ecossistema da Binance Smart Chain, destinado a viabilizar transações de NFTs (non fungible tokens) comercializados no marketplace Voluhpia. O $VLP, pode ser adquirido tanto na PancakeSwap, quanto no próprio marketplace Voluhpia.

Além de ser recompensado pela progressiva valorização do token $VLP, favorecida pelo aumento da demanda e pelo caráter deflacionário do ativo, o investidor poderá lucrar com a compra e venda de NFTs exclusivos comercializados no Marketplace Voluhpia.

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