Proof Of Reserves: All You Need To Know

By the Coinscope Team·26 May 2023·
Proof Of Reserves: All You Need To Know


Proof of Reserves (PoR) is a cryptographic technique that cryptocurrency exchanges employ to demonstrate that the assets they claim to have in their possession are indeed in their possession. To put it another way, it's a means for exchanges to show their clients and regulators that they are financially stable and able to process withdrawal requests. The PoR procedure entails developing a cryptographic proof, without divulging any critical information regarding the exchange's activities, that a specified quantity of bitcoin is kept in a particular wallet or address. Then, auditors, regulators, or users can independently verify this proof once it has been released.

Why PoR is Important for Crypto Exchanges and their Users

PoR is crucial for cryptocurrency exchanges and their customers because it tackles one of the greatest worries in the sector: the possibility of exchange fraud or insolvency. Users are exposed to a higher level of risk while trading or holding their assets on cryptocurrency exchanges since they are not subject to the same level of regulatory scrutiny or insurance protection as traditional banks or financial institutions. Exchanges can boost accountability and transparency, foster user trust, and lower the possibility of disastrous failures or breaches by incorporating PoR. Users have the means to confirm that their funds are safe and that the exchange is not involved in any suspicious activities thanks to PoR.

Understanding Proof of Reserves

Although PoR is a type of auditing, it is more intently focused on confirming an exchange's solvency.

A cryptographic verification that the exchange has adequate reserves to cover the assets held on behalf of its customers is often published as part of the procedure. This evidence may be presented in a variety of ways, but it usually consists of posting a hash or a digital signature of a declaration that lists the exchange's reserves.

The purpose of PoR is to reassure clients that their assets are secure on the exchange and to avert scenarios in which an exchange experiences financial difficulties and is unable to reimburse its customers.

PoR' s purpose
PoR' s purpose

PoR and Solvency of Crypto Exchanges

PoR ensures that crypto exchanges have enough funds to cover their customers' assets by requiring them to prove their reserves periodically. This requires the exchange to demonstrate that it has the reserves it claims to have, often in the form of cryptographic proof. This evidence should show that the exchange has adequate cash on hand to pay for all of the assets that are being held on behalf of its clients.

This verification is often given by the exchange posting a statement that lists its reserves together with a cryptographic signature that verifies the authenticity of the statement. The precise technique for doing so might vary. Customers may then check the evidence for accuracy to make sure the exchange is keeping enough reserves.

Customers may opt to withdraw their cash and transfer them to another exchange if an exchange cannot give sufficient evidence of reserves or if the proof discloses that the exchange lacks sufficient funds to cover its customers' assets. PoR helps to preserve confidence in the cryptocurrency ecosystem by acting as a check on the viability of crypto exchanges.

Types of PoR

Zero-knowledge PoR: This form of PoR entails demonstrating the presence of reserves without disclosing any information on specific balances. Zero-knowledge proofs, which allows the exchange to demonstrate that it has a given amount of reserves without disclosing the balances of specific clients, can be used to do this. Customers that use this kind of PoR get the greatest possible degree of privacy because their account balances are never disclosed.

Merkle tree-based PoR: This particular type of PoR is based on the utilization of Merkle trees, which are a type of data structure used in cryptography. The exchange builds a Merkle tree of all client balances it has, with the total reserve balance at the root of the tree. After then, the exchange makes available to users a cryptographic verification of the tree's root. This kind of PoR offers a high level of transparency for customers and is comparatively easy to deploy.

Multi-party computation PoR: In this kind of PoR, several parties work together to calculate a proof of reserves without disclosing any personal balance information. Secure multi-party computing protocols may be used to do this, allowing the parties to collaboratively calculate the proof without allowing any one party to view the balances of the other parties. Due to the non-disclosure of personal balances, this kind of PoR can provide users with a greater level of privacy. How Proof of Reserves Οperates in Various Contexts Different exchanges may use different PoR methods, such as the ones previously mentioned.

How Proof of Reserves Οperates in Various Contexts

Different exchanges may use different PoR methods, such as the ones previously mentioned. platform platform

Examining the Use of PoR on

The ability to trade cryptocurrencies, buy cryptocurrencies with fiat money, and get interested in cryptocurrency holdings are just a few of the features that customers can access through the cryptocurrency exchange and platform known as Proof of reserves (PoR) is a technique that uses to make sure the assets of its clients are secure.

The PoR system at combines multi-party computation and Merkle tree-based PoR techniques. The exchange builds a Merkle tree of all client balances it has, with the total reserve balance at the root of the tree.

The exchange then works with a number of independent auditors to develop a secure multi-party computing protocol to calculate a proof of reserves.

The auditors are chosen from a group of independent auditors that has certified. It is their duty to check the exchange's reserves and make sure they are sufficient to protect all customer assets. The proof of reserves is calculated by the auditors and provided for clients to see on the website.

Binance's PoR
Binance's PoR

Binance's PoR Implementation

One of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance transacts billions of dollars every day. Binance has put in place a proof of reserves (PoR) method to make sure it keeps the trust of its clients.

The PoR technique used by Binance combines zero-knowledge PoR with Merkle tree-based PoR. The exchange builds a Merkle tree of all client balances it has, with the total reserve balance at the root of the tree. The exchange then creates a zero-knowledge proof that shows it has the whole reserve balance without disclosing any information about the balances of specific customers.

The zk-SNARKs cryptographic technique, which stands for zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge, is used to produce the zero-knowledge proof. Due to this, Binance can demonstrate the presence of reserves without divulging any information regarding specific balances. The proof is then made available for users to check on the Binance website.

Additional Crypto Exchanges that Have Adopted PoR

Kraken, Bitfinex, and Coinbase are a few more cryptocurrency exchanges that have PoR in place. Kraken employs a PoR technique that is Merkle tree-based, which entails building a Merkle tree of all client balances that the exchange has and releasing a cryptographic proof of the tree's root.

Bitfinex uses a combination of the Merkle tree-based and multi-party computation PoR methods. The exchange creates a Merkle tree of all customer balances held by the exchange and collaborates with a number of independent auditors to compute a proof of reserves using a secure multi-party computation protocol.

Coinbase uses a Merkle tree-based PoR system, which involves creating a Merkle tree of all customer balances held by the exchange and publishing a cryptographic proof of the root of the tree. Coinbase also publishes a quarterly attestation report that provides additional information on its reserves and internal controls.

The Importance of Proof of Reserves

Proof of Reserves (PoR) is crucial for the financial stability and security of cryptocurrency exchanges. It is an effective mechanism for protecting users' funds, building trust and transparency in the crypto industry, and ensuring that exchanges have enough reserves to cover their liabilities.

Importand of Proof of Reserves
Importand of Proof of Reserves

Why PoR is Essential for Safeguarding Users' Money

Because cryptocurrency exchanges are decentralized, it is simpler for hackers and other scammers to target them. An exchange may go bankrupt and cause severe losses for consumers if it lacks the capital to cover the assets of its users. PoR is essential for safeguarding user money since it offers a way to check if an exchange has enough reserves to meet its commitments. In the case of an exchange hack or other security incident, this assists in lowering the danger of fraud and safeguards users' assets.

PoR's Impact on Transparency and Confidence in Crypto Sector

One of the biggest risks facing cryptocurrency exchanges is the potential for financial insolvency. An exchange may become insolvent and be compelled to file for bankruptcy if its reserves are insufficient to satisfy its liabilities. PoR offers a way to confirm that an exchange has enough reserves to meet its liabilities, which helps to reduce this risk. This makes it possible for exchanges to function even in the face of unforeseen circumstances like a sharp decline in cryptocurrency values or a high volume of withdrawal requests.

Other Advantages of Proof of Reserves

PoR provides the crypto sector with a number of advantages in addition to safeguarding customers' cash and maintaining the viability of exchanges financially. By lowering the danger of "fractional reserve" activities, when exchanges lend out or invest client money for their own gain, PoR can, for instance, assist in ensuring market stability. By proving that exchanges are dedicated to financial transparency and good governance, PoR can also aid in lowering the possibility of regulatory intervention.


To sum up, Proof of Reserves (PoR) is an essential technique for making sure that crypto exchanges are secure, transparent, and financially stable. PoR is essential for safeguarding user money, fostering confidence in the cryptocurrency sector, and ensuring that exchanges have sufficient reserves to meet their responsibilities. PoR also enhances market stability, lowers the possibility of regulatory interference, and encourages innovation in the cryptocurrency sector. PoR is expected to play an increasingly bigger role in ensuring responsible governance and fostering confidence and openness in the sector as cryptocurrencies continue to gain popularity. In the end, PoR is an essential instrument for protecting investors and the integrity of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

By the Coinscope Team·26 May 2023·

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